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- When Great Men Die
When Great Men Die
A Tribute To My Late Grandfather, The Reverend Tobe Hardin III
October 4, 1928 — July 31, 2023
When great men die, the world stands still. Just for a moment. Not to bring a disruption to the cosmic order of things, but for creation to make note that a great man lived, made his mark, and was gathered to his fathers.
When great men die, the living cry. They cry for a voice that will never be heard again on this side. They cry for a touch that will never be felt again in the flesh. For lost opportunities to sit beside the fire again and receive wisdom. Yet the wisdom of great men does not die with them. It is splintered into a million pieces that sprout up into oaks of righteousness.
When great men die, there is a void; but the void is fleeting and quickly filled by the seeds of those great men. For great men, by definition, always build other great people before they depart.
When great men die, their memory becomes a long shadow. A refuge for those who remain – to shelter in the heat of the day, mending their nets in its shade.
When great men die, we as ships become unmoored. The anchor gives way, and the vessel rises and falls, unsure and uncertain on the stormy waves of frightening seas. Yet the great man does not despair from eternity. For he knows the planks of the ships he has fashioned will hold, impermeable to many waters. The ships will explore the far reaches of creation and make it home safe and sound at long last.
As all men must, great men too must die, but they do not leave. They simply vacate center stage so that other men embrace their destiny to become great. For the greatest tribute to great men is for their sons and daughters to face their fears and dare greatly.
Jesus said, “…unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be.” John 12:24-26
For this we know - when great men die, they go to heaven to meet the greatest Man that ever lived. Will you?